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No, this is not a post about singleness...entirely

I am single. As in, never married, never been engaged, never even had a boyfriend. Being single has its blessings: no marriage problems, no inlaw problems, etc. But being single has drawbacks too and anyone that is single can sit down and write a long list out. Of course, I know married people could produce their own list.
Everybody has pros and cons in whatever state they are in. The same goes for every area of life I think. Like the weather. On cold rainy days, we long for sunshine while on blistering hot, sunny days, we yearn for cool cloudiness.
The Apostle Paul said he learned that in whatever state he was in to be content. Contentment is a word that honestly sometimes makes me cringe. I think it has been used a lot in wrong ways. I've heard people say things like this to me and other singles: "God just wants to teach you contentment. That is why you are still single." Or, "It is far better to be single than end up marrying the wrong person." Both these statement are true I know. But does asuring me that I'm better off the way I am instantly make everything a happy meadow of violets and lilies where I twirl and gleefully celebrate my singleness? No. At the end of the day, I am still alone. The old saying, "it is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all" tugs at my heart. There is a unique sorrow in unrealized dreams. Everyone has experienced this. I think of Hannah in the Old Testament who longed for a child. Or Jepthah's daughter, mourning the fact that she would never marry, or Moses knowing he would never enter the promised land. Sometimes we help destroy our own dreams. Sometimes God takes them for His own purposes. In the end, I know He has a plan.
This is the secret I believe of true contentment: resting in the knowledge of God. (To paraphrase A.W. Tozer, my view of God is the most important thing about me.) So, while I rarely feel excited about the prospect of singleness for life, I do experience real peace and yes, contentment when I am not looking at my circumstances but instead at God. He has been faithful every single step of my life. I have no reason to doubt that He will forsake me. "Be content with such things as you have, for He has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you".
So, for now, I will choose to  wait and trust that the One who gave His last breath for me is in control of my future and knows all my dreams and best of all, is planning every detail of the fulfillment of HIS perfect plans for my life.


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