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First blog post

Well, I have joined the ranks of bloggers.
I want to use this first blog post to introduce myself a little bit. I'm a work in progress, a child of God who has a long way to go before she can say, "I'm who I know God wants me to be!" But even though the journey seems like a long one and I don't always wake up feeling like I'm more than a conqueror in this battle called the life of faith, I know this: I am complete in Christ.
I'm an average young woman, privileged to have a great family and lots of wonderful friends, with many experiences already in the short 27 years I've been alive. I'm thankful that I can play the piano and sing (or at least try to sing!), write, travel, and bake scones and banana bread. :)
I'm hoping to start teaching piano soon. We shall see.
Let me know if you want lessons or know of someone who is.
It is late and I am babysitting my two adorable and rambuctious nieces tomorrow. I need my beauty sleep that is for sure, not to mention my sanity rest!
God bless,


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