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Layers of Spring

Today, as a light rain fell, my son splashed happily in puddles, his new yellow rain boots contrasting cheerfully against the greyness of the day. I sat on my porch rocker to watch him and I looked around our yard. I noticed how the redbud trees are subtly beginning to show their lovely purple blooms. I noticed how the dogwood tree has some round buds on its limbs. And I thought about the gradual nature of Spring. 

One day, the trees were bare and the grass was brown and dead looking. Then, little by little, nature began to awaken. Daffodils were one of the first things to bloom. Their blooms add splashes of sunny cheer here and there around our yard and in the woods around the campus. We were gone for Spring Break and when we returned home a few days later, the bare branches of our three forsythia bushes were vibrant with their yellow flowers. So lovely! Next, tulips are blooming and Bradford pear trees. And so on..

But it was all gradual. In layers. And it made me think of spiritual growth as I sat on the porch today. Often, in times of weariness, I am tempted to believe that there is no growth in my life. That because I am not where I ought to be, I am not growing at all. But Spring reminds me that change is often subtle. Things may not seem to be moving but they are. 

So, as sure as Spring is here and is continuing to arrive day by day, I know that I am being sanctified moment by moment and day by day. 

At salvation, I was gloriously changed, but I will not be glorified until that glorious day when I look upon my Savior. Until that day, the Holy Spirit is changing me. Sanctifying me. It is not an overnight change. But I pray I will rest in the hope that what He began, He will complete. 

I pray you rest in that Hope as well!

Happy Spring!


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