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Most of our friends know that we moved last month. Some of you know the story, but for those who don’t , here it is!
For the past several months, both Matt and I were sensing a restlessness: a stirring of sorts in our hearts. Not to sound mystical but I don’t know how else to describe it. One afternoon while sitting on our patio, I found myself watching an interview that a Pastor gave about how God had called him to leave his church in America to go to Africa and train pastors at a Bible college. I felt this excitement in my heart but I had no clue why. Was God calling us to Africa? Or to some sort of related ministry or what? I didn’t know, but both Matt and I began talking and praying about what God might have in the future for us. We had been at our loving, small church in Wilmington Ohio since our marriage and Matt had been there even longer, serving as their pastor. He was also the administrator of a local Christian school. I was involved in children and women’s ministry at our church and  helped with music.We loved our church, we loved our home and yet there was this stirring..

We had a vacation to the Smokies planned for the end of June. Shortly before that trip, Matt learned of an open position on the staff of his alma mater, a small Bible college in the hills of Eastern Kentucky. The college is called Clear Creek Baptist Bible College. We decided it was worth at least investigating. Matt reached out and got some information and ended up applying. We went on vacation and enjoyed our stay tremendously at a cute mountain cabin near Pigeon Forge.While there, we also drove to see Matt’s parents who live just a couple hours from where we had stayed. Matt was contacted by the president of Clear Creek and they arranged to meet halfway in London Kentucky. Matt learned more about the open position. As he talked to me later, I could tell he was excited.
Over the next few days after we returned home to Ohio, we talked a lot about this opportunity. I cried a lot. We fought, or rather I fought the idea. Isn’t it strange how we can know God is leading and yet when He opens a door, we cower? I was fearful. I had only ever been married to a man who was a pastor. What would life be like outside of that familiar although sometimes difficult role? What would I do? Looking back, I think I knew this was God leading. But it took some time for me to know for sure. But when the president of the college called him later and asked what we were going to do, I was in support of Matt’s decision when he accepted the job.

It was extremely hard telling our church family. They were very sad and so were we. There were lots of tears. They are family to us more than friends. They had  celebrated our wedding with us, they had been there for us through dark times and loved James with us. It was heartbreaking to say goodbye.

After a whirlwind month of packing and house showings, we left our home in Wilmington Ohio on July 27th and drove to our new home on the campus of Clear Creek in Pineville Kentucky. An army descended to help us unload the moving truck which was great! And for a few days, people brought delicious meals over to help welcome us.

We’ve been here a month now. It has taken time for me to settle in and feel at home. I’m not completely there yet, but I am thankful to be here. New friendships are being formed. We are slowly getting to know some of the college students. We had a bunch over for ice cream the other night and what a joy it was to see our living room crammed packed with laughing young men and women, all here to learn how to serve Christ. Matt is excited about his job and the future here. And I am excited to see how God will use us both in the days to come.

Thanks for reading!


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